Turmeric Extract Regulation: Safety and Future

Curcuma Longa: Regulations and Safety of High Curcumin Extracts in Europe – Recent Developments and Prospects In recent months, concerns have arisen regarding the use of Curcuma extracts and their suitability for indications and prescriptions. The AME Drugs Commission (Association of Endocrinologist Physicians) has examined this issue and determined that the use of dietary supplements…

Labeling Update: Allergens in Cosmetics

Regulatory Update: New Rules on Labeling of Allergenic Substances in Cosmetics More than a decade after the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety issued its opinion, a new regulation has come into force that introduces substantial changes in the labeling of allergenic substances in cosmetic products. This regulation, EU No. 2023/1545, enacted on July 26, 2023,…