Female Asthma: Hormones and Phytoestrogens

The Role of Sexual Hormones and Potential Phytoestrogen-Based Therapies in Female Asthma: Perspectives and Challenges The scientific literature extensively illustrates asthma as an inflammatory disease. Symptoms in asthmatic women appear linked to their sexual hormonal state (i.e., perimenopausal, pregnancy, menopause). Studies establish worsened pulmonary conditions in women, reflected in severity, exacerbation rates, hospitalizations, and mortality.…

Osteopenia: The Power of 8-PN Hop Extract

8-PN Hop Extract: A Potential Remedy for Osteopenia in Postmenopausal Women Osteoporosis is a skeletal disease characterized by a reduction in bone mass and a deterioration of bone architecture, leading to increased bone fragility and the risk of fractures. Postmenopausal women are particularly at risk, with approximately 30-40% affected by osteoporosis in the United States…

Efficacy of dietary supplements for insomnia

Dietary supplements for insomnia: relationships between individual preconditions, sleep problems, and customization of supplementation Insomnia is one of the most widespread problems of concern in modern society, with a worldwide prevalence of 20%, and is known to cause lifestyle-related diseases such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and depression. Insomnia is classified according to the…