Turmeric Extract Regulation: Safety and Future

Curcuma Longa: Regulations and Safety of High Curcumin Extracts in Europe – Recent Developments and Prospects In recent months, concerns have arisen regarding the use of Curcuma extracts and their suitability for indications and prescriptions. The AME Drugs Commission (Association of Endocrinologist Physicians) has examined this issue and determined that the use of dietary supplements…

Food supplements containing bud of V. lantana

Disputed the presence on the market of food supplements containing bud derivatives of Viburnun Lantana L. Preparations based on buds of Viburnun Lantana L., in the context of the DM 10/08/2018 on the “Regulation of the use in food supplements of plant substances and preparations,” do not appear among the parts of the plant that…

Cannabidiol as novel food: EFSA suspends judgment

Safety evaluation of cannabidiol (CBD) in food supplement suspended Given the numerous questions regarding the use of cannabidiol (CBD) in foods and in particular in food supplements, EFSA has published the statement on the safety of cannabidiol (CBD), in which it states that its safety of use, as a novel food, cannot be demonstrated due…